Stupid things I’ve done

Stupid things I’ve done

Recently, Ted Rall wrote a book that chronicled some of the worst things that people have done. I wanted to touch on a related subject: the stupid things people (namely, me) have done.

I was in middle school in Yukon, Oklahoma. I’m not sure if it was 7th or 8th grade, because those years were all of a blur. We were in the gifted and talented class, and there was an Apple II in the room. Someone had created a simple text adventure in BASIC, and I modified some of the lines to say some inappropriate things, mostly sex-related. Sex was a big motivator for me around that time (puberty kinda gets you thinking about it), and I thought it’d be funny to mess around with this other student’s program.

I was caught, sentenced for two days detention, and had to apologize to my gifted and talented teacher. I remember breaking down on the phone trying to talk to her and realizing just what an idiot I was, messing with someone else’s stuff. The thing that kills me now is that I really didn’t have a good reason to screw up this guy’s program. He was a friend; I had no grudge against him. I just was…selfish.

I think that’s the defining factor for most of our stupidities in life. I’ve been selfish and stupid many times since then, and I still hate it in myself. I know that Ayn Rand preached about the virtue of selfishness, but there doesn’t seem to be much virtue in being stupid.

One reply on “Stupid things I’ve done”

  1. Not much virtue in being selfish, either. Forgotten that. Trying to get back to it.


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