What’s Goin’ On

Welcome to Spring Break, or “trying to re-establish everything”.

I’ve been very depressed lately, and it basically hones in on my body. I’m tired all of the time, I don’t feel like doing anything, etc. I’ve got a Dr. appt. on Friday to recheck the medicine level, so I’ll get some relief there, albeit from a pill.

We’re trying to tighten our belts and make some rather difficult decisions about what’s important: Is Video On Demand for the kids worth $50 per month? What about Little Gym? What about this? What about that?

We’re still pretty deeply in debt, and February was (to use an overused metaphor) the perfect storm for us in terms of bills. I fell behind on payments, and now, we’re scrambling to pay what we can to everyone we owe. Thus, the belt tightening. At least we have money to get through the end of the month, and we’ve seen how our cashflow varies throughout the month now, so we have a better idea of what’s going on. However, that doesn’t replace a solid budget/spending plan, so we’re still trying to work on that.

Being in debt stinks.