Update your address books…

With AT&T getting out of the cable business, our emails have switched at home. The former kandl@attbi.com account is now k_and_l@comcast.net . (Sniff) We had that name for 4 years or so… The former lopey@attbi.com account is now kjlopey@comcast.net . (MEGA-Sniff). Stay tuned. More information might follow. By the way, Here is where we’re going …

No I haven’t fallen off the earth.

Hey there. No apologies for lateness. I’ve been busy.Let’s see: Laureen’s in Houston; she wanted to see that new children’s opera “The Little Prince,” but there are no tickets to be found. She went to Houston for the weekend anyway. My PVR unit’s disk drive had a head crash. For those unfamiliar with geek speak, …

Oh the times, they are a changing…

Hi there. Brief update: Laureen has accepted a job next year with Garland ISD teaching in their alternative high school. This marks the end of her tenure at Hood Middle School in Dallas. The move came about suddenly, but it seems to be a fit that answers prayers. Less of a drive, more discipline and …