Reuters, The Bastion of Bias

I don’t know anymore. Maybe Reuters has been kicked in the teeth by AP and UPI along with the instant news networks too many times, but they’re pretty much doing away with sensible reporting and headline writing. Chris Wright has documented some of Reuters headlines showing obvious democratic bias, but today I’d like to show …

Why reality shows suck, and also why they don’t suck

We get Time Magazine at home, and this particular week featured a short blurb on proposed Reality shows that are or are being considered for production. Proud admission of something many people would consider beneath themselves: I like reality shows–some of them. Basically, let’s run down the reality shows that have happened. I may forget …

The war with Iraq: a continuing question

Two questions: Number one: Where’s Osama bin Laden? Remember him? The guy actually behind the 9-11 strikes? Number two: Is anyone else as skeptical as I am of the rush to label any drum of chemicals “possible weapons of mass destruction”? We’re not looking for smoking guns. We’re looking for justifications for what we’ve done. …