The Lack of Gray

I haven’t written in a while, mostly because I just haven’t felt like writing much lately. There’s been a lot of stuff happening, and sometimes it’s hard just to keep everything from overwhelming me. However, there are two separate issues that have at their heart a much larger issue. They are the Declassified CIA Report …


Around 12 hours from now, I’ll turn 40. I’ve encountered two schools of thought on this: 1. “It’s just another birthday! Relax!” 2. “You’re old.” I’m not yet entirely sure how I feel about this. The past couple of months have been eye-opening in terms of my health, my well-being, and my life, and I …

Review: Land of the Dinosaurs

I would like to start out by saying I’m conflicted. The desire to be nice and constructive is really fighting the desire to go all negative on this. It’s a battle where I don’t think I can find a middle ground, because the subject deserves both treatments almost equally. Laureen and I were able to …