Around 12 hours from now, I’ll turn 40. I’ve encountered two schools of thought on this: 1. “It’s just another birthday! Relax!” 2. “You’re old.” I’m not yet entirely sure how I feel about this. The past couple of months have been eye-opening in terms of my health, my well-being, and my life, and I …


You know, it’s amazing how much misinformation is out there. As soon as the first reports of H1N1 came out, the 24-hour news networks fanned the flames of “this is going to be bad” and has prompted lots of people to do things. First off, yes. It’s flu. It’s a virus. It can spread pretty …

I’m Supposed to Give My Heart Away, but Not Like This

For those that don’t know, yesterday was a somewhat scary day at the Lopey House. Laureen asked me to get up and do the Wii Fit run with her for 8 minutes. Now, even though you’re supposed to swing your arms to burn calories, I tend to just lightly tap my feet. Exercise form aside, …

Taking care of yourself. Sometimes a bit too well…

I mentioned a few posts down about having a vasectomy. After the surgery, Laureen pretty much ran the household while I stayed in bed with ice packs (actually bags of frozen peas) to decrease swelling and soreness. Dr. Hassell recommended using ice only about 15 minutes per hour. I think I averaged closer to 45 …