Second Class Citizens and other things

Second Class Citizens and other happy fun stuff Greetings. It’s been awhile, but hey, I’m back. The second class went just fine. No fainting, and they even showed a film on a woman receiving an epidural. I’m glad that we had breathing exercises to do before they showed the film, however. I wasn’t able to …

a first class experience

A First Class Experience Yesterday was the first in a series of prepared childbirth classes that Laureen and I are taking in preparation for Jacob’s arrival. It was in the same building as my doctor’s office is in, which is a Good Thing. The fact that it’s next door to Richardson Regional Memorial Hospital is …

Whither feedroll

Whither feedroll? I’m not sure where all of that dynamic content I was crowing about went. Feedroll has apparently disappeared and taken a goodly chunk of my RSS coolness with it. I guess I get to create the javascript myself, huh…