Birthing Classes, Insurance, and the Meaning Of It All

Birthing Classes, Insurance, and The Meaning Of It All We finished our series of birthing classes yesterday, which means that all of a sudden, I can do things on Wednesday nights again (such as play doubles racquetball, hint, hint). It also means that I have learned a lot about childbirth, the stages of labor, and …

Middlekauff Ford – dubious track record

Middlekauff Ford – dubious track record As I mentioned yesterday, we’ve been having some issues with the truck-formerly-driven-by-me (now christened “The Schlomobile” by Laureen–I have never felt a need to anthropomorphize a vehicle, but all of Laureen’s cars have had names. I’m currently driving “Scoupey”). Basically, the right rear wheel was wobbling wildly. We took …