Chris responds to my blathering about Iraq

Chris responds to my blathering about Iraq Taken from the comments: I really shouldn’t comment. It’s not like I expect to change anyone’s mind, because I think you and I live in two different worlds. In your world, 12 years and 17 U.N. resolutions equals a rush to war. The report on his WMD also …

Revisionism and the war in Iraq

Revisionism and the war in Iraq First off, don’t think I speak idly when I talk about the war. My cousin served time in Afghanistan (he’s now training to be a Delta Force member, one certified tough S.O.B.), and I know the importance of security. But, President Bush is driving me nuts. First off, we …

A wonderation about the legal system

A wonderation about the legal system Yes, I’m using a goofy word like “wonderation”. I’m defining it as “a stated issue that I’m wondering about at the moment.” Through some friends examples with the legal system, I’m firmly convinced that the legal system is meant to encourage people to stay away from it as far …