Potatoes with Mango Sausage (Dairy Free)

3 medium Russet potatoes 1 package of Aidell’s Mango Sausage 1 tsp. freeze dried chives 1/2 tsp. dried oregano or basil. If you’ve got fresh, use it. 🙂 1 quart chicken broth or stock OPTIONAL: Garlic cloves, minced Mint Flakes or chopped mint Salt Pepper In your big old pot, boil some water, about 2 …

Trip, Slip, Fall

Here’s a hint for all of you with stairs: do not put ointment on the bottom of your feet and then attempt to carry a baby and a laptop downstairs. In short, Saturday morning, I slipped and fell. Considering what it could have been, I’m OK. My foot slipped forward, and I fell straight down, …