What’s the next big question

What’s the next big question?

Well, taxes are done. Yuck. I knew I’d owe money. Not a *big* deal, but it’s still pretty large. Oh, well, that’s why we got the loan…

Thinking about getting into a heavier writing phase lately. There’s something in me that wants to write, but I can’t come up with anything that isn’t (in my mind) derivative of everything else. I’d love to write something, but I’m afraid it would be “like” something else, like the comparisons of The Rule Of Four to The DaVinci Code (both are excellent books, but don’t go overboard on the analysis). I’ve read so much, I feel like anything I wrote wouldn’t have an original plot line. There is some sort of theory that states that there are only 6 story archetypes: the Discovery story, the Love story, the War story….so maybe there’s hope for me yet.

In just over two weeks, Jacob turns one year old. Funny experience of the week: we were at home…Saturday night, I’d say, and Laureen was doing something on the computer or was away from Jacob and I. We bought some 18-inch square foam rubber puzzle pieces to protect Jacob from his mightier falls, and they came with black borders around them. Of course, Jacob loves to rip those borders off and cart them to various ports around the house. Well, he found one in our living room, and he decided to stand up (he’s not fully standing, but he’s trying so hard), spread his little legs wide for balance, stuck his tummy out, raised his hands (one holding the black puzzle border) in the air, and shouted, “YAAAAA!!!!”

I just looked at him, then bust out laughing, thinking, “My goodness, my son has channeled Thor with his lightning bolts.”

Anyway, we’re still driving forward. Some interesting links:
http://www.forgettingourselves.com – a friend’s blog.
http://www.kingdomofloathing.com – new old fun game
http://www.televisionwithoutpity.com – no such thing as a free review….
http://www.fazed.net/common/content/out.php?id=7994 – just cool.

2 replies on “What’s the next big question”

  1. Now you know why I never read anything I don’t have to, although that hasn’t really helped my writing recently.

  2. I’ve noticed that you haven’t posted anything to the blog lately (not that I’m complaining!!)… but ya know, I’m REALLY starting to feel (even more) guilty about the computer ‘thing’ that may or may not have been MY fault!! *smile* 🙂 Anyway, I enjoyed the time I was able to spend with all of you. Thank you (& Reenie & Jacob) for allowing me be to babysit! Love & miss you all!!!

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