In Memoriam: Chewie NoMiddleName Jones, 1996(?)-2007

We let Chewie go to Doggie Heaven earlier today.

Last night, she was having difficulty breathing, and it was requiring more and more effort to breathe for her. So, we decided today was the day.

I remember when she first came into our lives as a cute little abandoned puppy. Her ears didn’t even stand straight up at that point, but she had enough moxie to battle with Rambo, the king of the house at that time.

True to her name, she was known for chewing things as a puppy — wallpaper, rocks, cans, you name it. After going to training at K9 University, she was much better behaved, but she still had a propensity to be boisterous.

Earlier in her life, she was a great leaper. She could spring nearly five feet in the air from a standing position. However, after she tore her Medial Colateral Ligament and required surgery to get it repaired, she didn’t do much leaping. In an unfortunate run-in with a vehicle, her hip had to be popped back into its socket earlier this year. She came through that with flying colors. However, little did we know that cancer was invading her body until she started showing no interest in food and losing weight.
Chewie was wonderful with kids. She never snapped at Jacob or Jessie even in the face of the abuse they unwittingly heaped on her.

But all good things come to an end. And with tumors invading her body, seeping blood into her lungs, it was time to say goodbye.

Goodbye, Chewie. We’ll miss you.

One reply on “In Memoriam: Chewie NoMiddleName Jones, 1996(?)-2007”

  1. I will miss you Chewie. You were the one that didn’t bite me, and for that I thank you.

    Uncle Jim

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