How do I love thee, let me count the dollars…

How do I love thee, let me count the dollars… Well, Chewie’s at the surgeon’s right now. $2300. And it was a genetic deformity that was waiting to happen. It wasn’t swimming at the lake house, or going uphill, or anything like that. Apparently some part of her tibia was badly positioned, and the ACL …

Why I still hate my computer

Why I still hate my computer, Part 3,482 If you’ll recall our last scintillating episode, Kevin was rapidly pulling apart his computer in an effort to unlock the great mysteries of the unknown (or, more simply, to try and get the son of a gun to work). It appears that the processor is incompatible with …

Something strange today

Something off topic There is a picture (reproduced below) that shows a little girl crying because her Bush/Cheney sign was ripped up at a Kerry/Edwards rally type event. {{popup parlockatrally.jpg parlockatrally 410×256}}parlockatrally The problem is (as was pointed out at Eschaton today), this guy’s pulled stunts like this before: Coinkydinks There’s this guy. He’s a …